Thursday, 15 January 2015

Genesis 1 verses 1 to 5

When I was doing my Reader Training we were told to view the first 10 chapters of Genesis – including this morning’s reading - as myth.

Our teacher told us that the stories of Creation, Adam and Eve and Noah were somehow less reliable than the rest of God’s word and were simply attempts by early man to account for the world they found themselves in.

I however fundamentally disagree with this view and this morning I want to try and explain to you why I disagree – from both a spiritual and a scientific viewpoint.

Firstly the teaching about Adam and Noah runs through the whole bible. For 
instance Luke traces Jesus’ ancestry back to Adam, and Jesus himself makes reference to the first two chapters of Genesis in Matthew and Mark’s gospels, when he is talking about divorce.

He says to the Pharisees – have you not read that in the beginning God created them male and female.

Jesus also refers to Noah in Matthew and Luke’s gospel when talking about his second coming. He says; “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark, and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

We’ve been looking at Paul’s letter to the Romans recently in which Paul bases some of his teaching on Adam. Adam is also mentioned in some of Paul’s other letters

And Peter in his letter, tells us that following his crucifixion, Jesus went and preached to the imprisoned spirits – to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.

And perhaps most famously in the ten commandments recorded in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy, God tells us to remember the Sabbath day and to keep it holy, because in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and he rested on the seventh day.

So, the problem with viewing the first few chapters of Genesis as myth is that these chapters also feature prominently throughout the bible - in both the Old and New Testaments – and if these chapters are somehow unreliable – how reliable then is the teaching of Jesus and Paul, not to mention Peter or indeed the ten commandments?

The bible is like a tapestry and the teaching in the early chapters of Genesis is like a thread that runs through the entire tapestry. If this teaching is somehow unreliable - then the whole tapestry starts to fall apart.

My own view is that all scripture - including the first 10 chapters of Genesis,  is God breathed and thoroughly reliable - and that Adam and Eve just like Noah - were most certainly actual historical characters.

But surely science disproves the early chapters of Genesis some of you will say. But does it?

I think not. On the contrary there is a lot of very good Creation science backed by numerous Professors and Doctors particularly in the United States - which not only supports the idea of Noah’s flood – but which also points towards the earth being much much younger than many evolutionary  scientists would have us believe.

The trouble for Christians – particularly in this country - is that such is the grip of Darwin’s theory of Evolution on the scientific community – that anyone who questions it is labelled as some sort of fruitcake – even if their evidence is very strong.

So what are some of the problems with Darwinian evolutionary science which is repeatedly presented to us as being factual when in fact much of it is theoretical?

Firstly the fossil record is a big problem – because it doesn’t show evolution occurring as Darwin envisaged it.

There are huge evolutionary gaps across all sorts of species - with dinosaurs for instance suddenly appearing in the fossil record with very little evidence for their forbears.

Likewise although some scientists confidently proclaim that some fragments of skull which they’ve just dug up are a missing link in the human evolutionary chain - frequently this is conjecture at best – and actually what they’re looking at is either a human or monkey skull.

Some of you may have heard of Piltdown man for instance which was supposed to be a "missing link" a mixture of human and ape with the noble brow of Homo sapiens and a primitive jaw.

However instead of being almost a million years old, the skull fragments were found to be 500 years old, and the jaw in fact belonged to an orangutan.
I mention this story as it demonstrates how desperate evolutionary fossil hunters are to find evidence for Darwin’s theory and how easily they can be duped.

Similarly, Coelacanths - a fish - were said by evolutionists to have become extinct 70 million years ago and to have been the forerunners of fish which supposedly turned into air breathing land animals. However one was caught off the coast of Africa in 1938 and others have been caught since- and they haven’t evolved at all.

And there are significant problems with the whole Geological Table which supposedly classifies the ages of various rock layers found around the world.

Starting with the Pre Cambrian rock strata and going all the way through various stages including Jurassic and Cretaceous – this table supposedly records the times and orders in which various rocks were laid down as the earth evolved over many millions of years.

However, in addition to missing strata in many places, and strata in the wrong order, with supposedly older strata on top of supposedly younger strata, sometimes the same rock sequence is repeated many times.

Moreover these rock strata in which fossils are found, have been dated by geologists in order to allow time for Darwinian evolution to occur – but there are huge problems with dating rocks.

Radiometric dating which is commonly used - relies on making various assumptions about constant decay rates and unknown original levels of argon, lead, potassium and thorium in rocks. But this is a very unreliable method.

For instance, two hundred year old rocks from well-documented Hawaiian volcanoes which erupted in 1800 and 1801 were radiometrically dated as being somewhere between 140 million and 2.96 billion years old.

In fact the whole notion of trying to date rocks – or parts of the universe - is a bit of a nonsense because when the world was first created the rocks and planetary systems would already have looked extremely old.

When Adam was first created – if you asked someone his age they’d have probably said early twenties. And when Jesus turned water into wine – the wine would have appeared to have been a good vintage - but was actually brand new.

And rather than there being millions of years between each layer of rock strata as evolutionists suggest, there is lots of evidence for the strata being laid down very quickly, for instance as the result of a worldwide flood – just like Noah’s flood - with millions of creatures being rapidly buried under huge mud flows and then fossilised.

I mean if someone asked you to bury a dinosaur – even if you had a JCB digger - you’d be a bit put out.

What calamitous event could bury so many of these huge creatures rapidly and preserve their remains as fossils?

A flood fits the bill very well.

And furthermore floods leave the layers of strata that we see all over the world – with creatures being buried under the flood debris according to their ability to escape the rising waters.

As floods settle out – initially the heavy rocks fall to the bottom followed by smaller rocks – and the heavier soils – and then the lighter soils and then sand and silt – and you end up with the layers of strata which we see all over the world.

And far from being millions or even billions of years old as evolutionists would have us believe – looking at the evidence, it is more likely that these layers of earth formed rapidly as the flood waters started to recede.

This is why in some places you can find fossilised trees that penetrate several of the earth’s strata (see above) – and why in some places the rock layers are bent and folded over – although the rocks show no signs of cracking.

If the layers were still moist when they were laid down – of course there would be no cracking.

Now please don’t suppose that I’m saying that all evolutionary theory is untrue. Creationists believe in micro evolution but not in macro evolution.

Micro evolution is a single species evolving with small changes – as opposed to macro evolution which is one species evolving into another.

So for instance we can see how several breeds of dog have micro - evolved from early breeds of dog - but the point is they are still dogs.

They haven’t grown wings or feathers. In fact most animals seem to have a blueprint of what a healthy member of that species should be like – and the further away they get from that blueprint the less fertile they become.

Some dog breeds for instance have suffered with fertility problems as their breeding has become extreme.

And evolutionary scientists have done numerous experiments with fruit flies – bombarding them with various doses of radiation in order to get them to evolve.

The experiments have merely resulted in dead or deformed fruit flies and showed that fruit flies could not evolve.

Similarly, Michigan State University evolutionary biologists have searched for signs of evolution in bacteria for 20 years, tracking 40,000 generations. In the end, the only changes that had occurred were degenerative.

And in addition to the numerous problems evolutionists have with the fossil record, dating rocks and failed laboratory experiments – there are several other strong scientific reasons which Creationists point to, which suggest a young earth.

I haven’t got time to go into any detail but I’ll give you a brief overview of just a few of these.

According to evolutionary theory, comets, which are basically large chunks of dust, ice and rocks, are supposed to be the same age as the solar system - about 4.6 billion years old. Yet each time a comet orbits close to the sun, it starts to thaw and loses so much of its material. Most comets have typical ages of less than 10,000 years.

The total energy stored in the earth's magnetic field is decreasing. At the current rate of decrease this field could not be more than 20,000 years old.

DNA decays and cannot exist in natural environments longer than 10,000 years, yet intact strands of DNA have been recovered from fossils allegedly many millions of years old - including dinosaur fossils.

The radioactive element carbon-14 breaks down quickly—within a few thousand years – but it is still found in fossils that are supposedly millions of years old.

I could go on but hopefully you’re starting to see that when David Attenborough tells you that such and such animal has evolved over millions of years – you need to take what he says with a large pinch of salt.

It is clear to me that bees for instance didn’t evolve their ability to make honey but that God created and designed them with that ability.

Furthermore he designed honey so that it would taste good.

It is clear to me that the world we live in is intelligently designed by God.

I mean if you blew up a million piles of random bits of metal, would you find anything as simple as a bicycle wheel in the debris? The answer is no – because a bicycle wheel is intelligently designed.

And as well as creating the Universe the writer to the Hebrews tells us that Jesus also sustains it. He says - The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.
Jesus keeps the whole planetary system in order including the earth’s orbit round the sun.

What happens if you take your hands off your steering wheel? Your car will veer off course.

And it’s the same with our whole planetary system. If God didn’t sustain it planets would start careering off course.

There would be no order – there would be chaos and all life would end.

So to conclude I hope this morning that next time you read the early Chapters of Genesis – you’ll be able to see that perhaps the idea of God creating the world we live in in six days isn’t perhaps quite so ridiculous after all.

And that perhaps the evolutionary science we’re bombarded with – isn’t quite as conclusive as many would have us believe.

And perhaps there was indeed a catastrophic worldwide flood – and the fossils which are found all over the world bear testimony to that flood.

In the name of the living God. Amen

By the way if any of you would like to find out more about Creation science, I’d recommend looking at the website of the Institute for Creation Research which is very interesting.