Monday, 16 May 2016

Pentecost - May 2016

Pentecost Acts 2: 1 -21

So today is Pentecost when we remember and celebrate the person of the Holy Spirit coming upon the first disciples to empower them to carry on Jesus’ work.

And as the Holy Spirit comes upon them as tongues of fire, they start speaking in other languages to the amazement of those passing by.

This is a familiar story for many of us. But what’s going on here and what relevance does it have for us sitting here today?

Well Luke tells us what’s happening here at the beginning of the previous chapter of Acts. He recounts that before ascending up to heaven, Jesus tells the disciples not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the gift His Father promised.

Jesus says to them; ‘John baptised with water but not many days from now you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit …and you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses.'

Indeed, John the Baptist described Jesus as the one who would baptise people with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

So what we see at Pentecost is the first disciples being baptised with the Holy Spirit by Jesus.

Now don’t let the word baptise confuse you. It comes from the Greek word ‘baptizo’ – which means to dip or plunge or immerse.

So these references to being baptised with the Holy Spirit simply mean to be dipped or plunged or immersed in the Holy Spirit. And Jesus is the one who does this.

The important point for us here today though, is that this is not something that just happened to the first disciples to kick start the early church.

As we read through the book of Acts we see God continuing to fill and empower Christians in the early church with the Holy Spirit in this way.

In Acts chapter 10, for instance when Peter goes to Cornelius’ house and starts preaching, the Holy Spirit falls upon all those who were listening to him and they start speaking in tongues and praising God.

And still today all around the world Jesus is filling Christians with the Holy Spirit and imparting spiritual gifts to them.

Indeed according to the International Bulletin of Missionary Research there are estimated to be over 6oo million Charismatic and Pentecostal 
Christians across the world today; and Charismatic and Pentecostal 
Christianity is the fastest growing phenomenon in world religious history.

 Now being filled with or baptised with the Holy Spirit – whatever you want to call it - is different from being converted or being born again.

It is a separate act of God in a believer’s life which can occur at any time -from immediately after conversion – to several years or even decades later.

A person receives the Holy Spirit when they become a Christian. But God doesn’t just want us to receive the Holy Spirit. He wants us to be filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit. And He wants to equip us with spiritual gifts to serve Him.

And just as the first disciples and members of the early church needed to be empowered in this way – so do Christians today including us here at Brenchley.

Picture for a moment a glass with some water in it. The glass is a Christian and the water is the Holy Spirit.

Now if this glass is immersed in water - it will be filled with water. So if a Christian is immersed in the Holy Spirit by Jesus – he or she will also be filled with the Holy Spirit - and this action releases power and new spiritual gifts into a believer’s life.

So how can we be filled with the Holy Spirit today?

Most commonly perhaps this is through another Christian praying for us and simply asking Jesus to fill us with his Spirit and to release his power into our lives.

This is how I received it. I went along to a Charismatic Christian meeting and asked someone to pray for me.

Sometimes also – as He did in the book of Acts - the Holy Spirit will descend upon a group of assembled Christians and empower them.

What does a person experience when this happens?

Different people experience different things. Some people may experience some sense of power touching or filling them.

Some people may experience very little – and wonder if the prayer has worked.

I didn’t feel much when I was prayed for but over the coming days and weeks I became aware that there was new power in my Christian life and I discovered that new spiritual gifts had become available to me.

People’s experience is varied and really the experience itself isn’t important. 

What is important is how a person’s life is impacted afterwards in their service of God.

What sort of spiritual gifts might we receive from God? Well Paul deals with some of these in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and judging by the book of Acts - two of the most common gifts are the ability to speak in tongues and to prophesy.

A lot of people have weird ideas about tongues but it’s simply the God given ability to speak an unlearned human or angelic language.

Just as you can choose at any time to speak a foreign language – so you can choose to speak in tongues. The difference is that when you speak in tongues – you don’t understand the meaning of the words you’re saying.

But God does – and personally I find that tongues is useful when you’re unsure how to pray about something. If you pray in tongues first, I find that often God will give you an insight into how to pray for a particular person or situation.

Prophesy is simply the ability to deliver a message from God. This can be a simple message of encouragement for an individual or sometimes it may be a message for a church.

Other gifts include gifts of healing, messages of wisdom and knowledge, faith to receive something from God, the ability to interpret a message given in tongues, and the ability to discern when evil spirits are at work.

This isn’t an exhaustive list. There are all sorts of gifts which God can impart to an individual – and the purpose of these gifts is to strengthen and encourage others and to build up God’s church.

I found for instance that God started to communicate with me with little mental pictures particulalry when I was praying for someone or sometimes to clarify the meaning of scripture.

These weren’t amazing 3D visions but just little pictures in my mind’s eye to encourage or help the person I was praying with. If I asked you now to picture in your mind a bowl of apple crumble and custard  – this is the type of picture I’m talking about.

Now it’s important to say at this point that being filled with the Holy Spirit and receiving spiritual gifts isn’t a badge of honour.

It’s for service, and our motivation for seeking to be empowered by God should be because we want to be as fruitful and effective Christians as we possibly can – and we want to help and encourage others in their faith.

It can be very damaging in churches when Christians who have received spiritual gifts – act unlovingly or even look down on other Christians who haven’t had a similar experience.

And this is one of a number of reasons that some Christians can be put off from moving forward with God.

But it’s a great pity because what God gives is always good. The part that isn’t good - is hurtful or unloving behaviour by Christians who really should know better.

Another reason people hold back from seeking spiritual gifts is because they are afraid. After all speaking in tongues and prophesying all sounds a bit well - supernatural.

Initially I was afraid but I wanted to move forward with God, and I discovered that actually it’s exciting and immensely encouraging when God helps or encourages others through a gift He has given you.

If you’re a Christian you already have the Holy Spirit living in you – so being filled with the Holy Spirit is just a step forward from what you already have.

And the gifts I’ve experienced really haven’t been scary at all. On the contrary I find it really faith boosting and encouraging when God works through me in some way to help or encourage others.

For some people the main blockage to them moving forward with God is their pride and self sufficiency. They are too proud to humble themselves and seek prayer from another Christian.

These people don’t want to appear weak or needy in any way – and so they will always seek to receive things they need – like being filled with the Holy Spirit or healing – directly from God.

But the fact is we do each need other Christians - and a proud self sufficient person will almost certainly find that God’s way forward for them is through humbling themselves - and admitting their need to and seeking prayer from - another Christian.

Another point I’d like to make about being filled with the Holy Spirit – is that it won’t mean our Christian lives will suddenly become perfect or easier.

We may feel a greater desire to worship God and for a while we may feel His presence with us more closely – but we will still have to put time and effort into our relationship with Him.

And most importantly in order to discover any new spiritual gifts we may have been given, we will need to be actively seeking to share our faith and to encourage others.

The gifts God gives are for service – and with the exception of the gift of tongues - we will only tend to discover them as we meet with and seek to serve other Christians.

The final point I want to make is that even if we have been filled with the Holy Spirit in the past – God always has new things He wants to do in our lives and new things to impart to us – and so we need to remain open to receiving from Him whatever He may want to give us.

Sometimes for instance if I feel spiritually weary - I’ll ask another Christian to pray for me – asking God to fill me with His Spirit afresh in order to revive and strengthen me.

So to tie up what I want to say this morning, regardless of how long we may have been a Christian, God wants to fill us with His Holy Spirit – to empower us and to equip us with spiritual gifts to enable us to serve him more effectively.
imHim more effectively.

As I’ve said before, our on-going prayer should be - Lord I want to be as effective as I can in reaching others with your love. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit and impart to me any gifts that you want me to have.

I don’t know what gifts God might choose to impart to you – but God knows you perfectly and He knows exactly which gifts will be right for you – as you seek to serve Him.

Don’t be fearful or proud. God loves you and knows exactly what’s best for you. Come to Him and open your life to receive from Him whatever He wants to give you.

I’m always happy to pray for you – as I’m sure are Campbell and Mike. 

Alternately you might prefer to ask some other mature Christian that you know and trust to pray for you.

Or perhaps like I did –  you could go to some mainline Christian event or meeting and ask someone to pray for you.

In the name of the living God. Amen