Sunday 13 November 2011

STUDY/DISCUSSION QUESTIONS - Luke Chapter 17 verses 7 – 10

1. How do you see your faith and with it your discipleship of Jesus? What is important to you? Do you picture it, first and foremost, in terms of duty and service? If not, how else?

2. How would you think others/most people answer the first question? What does faith and belonging to a Church mean to them?

3. Do you think the world sees Christian faith in terms of duty and service? If not, how do you think the world views the Church today?

4. What is the sequence, so to speak, of Jesus’ thinking here for the place in the Christian’s life of ‘doing good works’? What is the relationship, as Jesus and the New Testament writers present it, between faith and good works?

5. There is much talk these days of the need and importance for people to have self-worth and self-esteem. Where do people look for them and how do they attempt to build them? Are they always healthy? How might a Christian understand these concepts? Where ought Christians to seek such things? How important are they? Can they be an obstacle to growth in spiritual maturity?

6. Closely related to the concepts of self-worth and self-esteem is the need to be appreciated. This is in one sense an aspect of the need to be loved; but is it always spiritually healthy? What exactly is Jesus trying to help his disciples to understand in the passage?

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