Sunday 9 September 2012

The Role of the Collects in the Life of the Church

The Role of the Collects in the Life of the Church

The role of the collects in the life of the Church is to help establish in the hearts and minds of worshippers that which is essential for sound belief

Now in the Christian understanding of that word ‘belief’ is contained the necessity of action or ‘practice’ because, as Jesus and the Apostles constantly remind us, genuine belief – as opposed to mere intellectual assent or wishful thinking about God or about the state of our own lives and souls – must deliver in terms of the two great commandments.  And of course these may only be ‘kept’, i.e. effectively ‘practised’, by commitment to Christ in discipleship of him. Jesus cannot use those Christians who are concerned only about their own goodness but only those who want to be effective for his name’s sake. 

Our collects then remind us of what is absolutely essential in Christian doctrine: sound belief creates sound practice and effective discipleship. The collects emphasise, first, the power and the love of God, as well as our need to respond to that power and love with faith and repentance. 

(I realise that doubt about such things is very fashionable in certain cultural, social, and even church circles these days; but Jesus came to bring truth, life, and a sure hope as regards what happens when we die.) The collects also insist on the absolute necessity of grace, and the prime virtue of love – though certainly not the definition of ‘love’ that is bandied about today in some very topical issues or debates! 

The collects confirm the passing nature of life here and the glorious hope of eternal life hereafter. Especially they make very plain the centrality of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus for the accomplishing of God’s will on earth as it is in heaven, and for the overthrow of all forms of evil that resist that will. 

Whoever says that ‘Christianity is boring’ either has never researched or understood what it entails in terms of human commitment, or else attended one of those schools or churches in which the liturgy, language, and preaching serve more to disguise than to reveal the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his calling. 

Our collect today is meant to be read, considered, prayed through with God, and then acted upon as he will show us and in the way he wants you and me to fulfil our calling. 

Remember, he is always more ready to hear, to forgive, and to give whatever it is we need in order to keep the two great commandments and to serve him and our neighbour more effectively. 

And whatever our track record to date, we must not be afraid - do not let your conscience tell you he cannot forgive you – because he is your loving Heavenly Father.

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