Study Questions for Acts Chapter 20
verses 28 – 35 Sunday
29th June 2014
(You can read
the accompanying talk at
Paul often
finds himself having to explain or defend himself because of opposition
encountered in his missionary travels. This he can do in all humility because
he has sought to gain nothing for himself but only for Christ. Here he is
speaking with the elders of the church at Ephesus, warning them of the ‘savage
wolves’ who will appear both from outside and even within the Church to lead
the people away from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
1. Why do
you think the Paul needs to warn the elders of two threats? What are they and
how might they come?
2. What do
you make of verse 28? Can you spot three
very important truths in it for our understanding of sound Christian doctrine
3. What is
the aim of the ‘savage wolves’ and what sort of things do you think motivates
4. Can you
think of any modern day parallels to or examples of such threats to the Church
– whether from outside or from within?
5. Why is
the teaching and preaching, understanding and application of sound and faithful
Christian doctrine so important?
6. What do
you think might be - or what examples do you know of – the consequences of
unfaithful teaching?
7. How can
we remain ‘alert’ v31?
8. What do
you understand by v 32?
9. How would
you explain v32 to a non-believing friend.......or someone you happened to meet
on the train or at the gym?
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