Sunday, 30 November 2014

Study Questions for Romans Chapter 7: 4 – Chapter 8: 4

Study Questions for Romans Chapter 7: 4 – Chapter 8: 4

This is at one and the same time one of the most difficult to understand and, once understood, liberating passages in the whole of the New Testament. Paul is here explaining why those who struggle with Christianity without God’s help find it so difficult and even, at times, depressing. To the predominantly Jewish recipients of his letter he is explaining why the Law of Moses cannot by itself instil the obedience God requires to enable them to serve him faithfully. The law can be a guide or schoolmaster but more is needed. Yet more is freely on offer through Christ and through their  appropriating the gift of His Spirit.
1. In what way have we ‘died to the law’ v4 and for what purpose?
2. How do you understand and explain Paul’s contrasts: flesh and spirit?
3. Do these help you understand the realities of human nature as you experience it? Are they helpful in understanding our calling as Christians?
4. Does Paul think that the Law is a good thing or a bad thing?
5. What is the new relationship between the Spirit and the Law once a person has been born again and is ‘walking according to the Spirit’?
6. What do verses 25 – 8:4 tell us about God’s love, justice, and mercy?

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Depending on how much is pledged by 14th Jan, the PCC will make a decision whether or not to proceed with the project. Please don’t wait until January before making your pledge. Thank you. 

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