In today’s gospel reading from Matthew we have
the account of the Canaanite woman who came to Jesus seeking healing for her
And as I looked at this and prayed about it I
started to see God’s planning in the story. In fact I realised that God had
planned and watched over the whole story from beginning to end.
And as with a cake recipe, several ingredients
in this story come together to make the whole plan work.
So, this morning I’d like to look at these
ingredients and see what we can learn from them.
Firstly though we need to understand that God
was in ultimate control of this whole situation. He had watched over the mother
and daughter all their lives and he understood their situation perfectly.
He understood all about the demon that was
tormenting the daughter and the grief it was causing this lady.
He had seen this lady’s suffering and he decided
to engineer a solution.
He devised a plan for the daughter’s healing
and what occurs as we read the story is the fulfilment of this plan.
And that is what we see occurring in this
We see God working for the good of both mother
and daughter in this distressing situation and his plan is to turn their
heartbreak into joy and to be glorified through the healing that will occur.
Furthermore, his plan is that this healing
would be recorded in the bible for us to read and learn from today.
The lady has a major part to play herself –
but God has provided her already with everything she needs to see his plan
So, let’s look at some of the ingredients in
this plan.
Firstly, the Canaanite woman’s desire to see
her daughter healed is motivated by love. She is desperate to find a solution
to her daughter’s suffering because she loves her.
And really everything that we ask God for and
pray for should be motivated by love. Our prayers should spring from a desire
to see the people around us blessed and saved and healed. And to see those
further afield who are hurting or suffering, touched and helped by God in some
When we pray in Jesus’ name we are praying in
line with his character and will. We are asking for things to be done as he
would want them done. We are asking for his good and perfect will to be done on
earth as it is in heaven.
So, this lady’s desire to see her daughter made
well and the demon cast out is in line with God’s will. And when we pray out of
love we too will find that we are praying in line with God’s will
Secondly this lady looks in the right place
for her answer. She looks to Jesus.
She doesn’t turn to spiritualist healers or Eastern
mystics. She looks to the God who created her and who created her daughter. The
one who understands them both perfectly and loves them deeply. The one who
knows their every thought.
And the only one with the power and the
authority to bring about her daughter’s healing.
And if we have problems in our lives – we too
should turn Jesus – because he is the only one who truly knows us and loves us
and can help us.
Thirdly this lady has a living faith. Although
she is a Gentile and not a Jew she recognises that Jesus is the Messiah. She
calls him Lord – son of David.
She recognises the identity of the one she is
addressing and she knows that he can help her.
Like the Roman centurion who knew if only
Jesus would speak the word of command his servant would be healed – this lady
knows that a word – a crumb - from Jesus is all that is needed for her daughter
to be healed.
But of course the faith this woman has – has
come from God. It is a gift from him. God has built this faith in her life
beforehand in preparation for this moment – so that she will be able to receive
the healing he wants to give her.
And God wants to build faith in our lives – so
that we too can receive help and healing and encouragement from him.
Fourthly this lady is determined and
persistent, although she has every reason to be dismayed and to give up and go
Jesus at first ignores her and the disciples
try and turn her away. But she carries on crying out to God.
Jesus teaches us in the parable of the
persistent widow and the unjust judge – that we should be persistent in prayer.
Perhaps you’ve been calling out to God – and
he seems to be ignoring you.
Well he isn’t. Like Jesus in this story – perhaps
he wants to test your faith and see if it is genuine. Will you keep on knocking
at God’s door and asking until you get an answer?
Sometimes it can take years for our prayers to
be answered. This is particularly true when we are praying for someone’s
salvation or healing but if we know that we are praying for something that is
in line with God’s will we should persist and not give up.
Fifthly God arranges the meeting between Jesus
and this lady. Often in bible stories we see God arranging meetings. For instance
in Acts chapter 8 when Philip meets the Ethiopian eunuch.
And in the gospels particularly we see Jesus
going exactly where God the Father wants him to go and meeting the people God
wants him to meet.
He is always in the right place at the right
time. And it’s interesting that we are told in verse 21 that Jesus goes to the
region of Tyre and Sidon.
God is moving him into position for his plan
to be fulfilled. And like-wise he ensures that this lady gets to hear that
Jesus is in town.
None of this is random or lucky – it is
planned. And of course God plans for us to be in the right place at the right
time. He deliberately brings people across our paths that he wants us to help
or bless in some way.
Paul tells us in his letter to the Ephesians
that we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which
God prepared in advance for us to do.
God has prepared places for us to be and
people for us to meet – so that we can be an answer to their prayers – and
sometimes so that they can be an answer to our prayers.
Sixthly God has given the woman sufficient
spiritual insight and wisdom to be able to answer Jesus when he tests her by
pointing out that she is a Gentile and he has been sent firstly to the Jews.
We may be shocked that Jesus uses the term dog
to describe Gentiles – but this was a term that was commonly used by Jews to
describe Gentiles – whom they considered as likely as dogs to receive any
blessing from God.
Much of Jesus’ ministry, however, involved
turning expectations and prejudices on their heads and he does precisely that
in this situation.
I think he uses the term here ironically to
make a point to his disciples. You may consider this woman a dog – but she is
deserving of my help – and to prove the point – he heals her daughter.
So, as we look at this story we see God working
in a difficult and distressing situation and turning it around for good.
And this is what God still does today, where
people have faith in him.
In situations where there is hopelessness and
hurt and division, He works to bring hope and healing and
To reiterate – the bible verse I quoted
earlier from Paul’s letter to the Romans - in
all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been
called according to his purpose.
If you are God’s child and you have put your
faith in him – he is always working for your good.
His intention – as you submit yourself to him
and co-operate with him - is to bless you and help you and heal you and deliver
you - because he loves you and he wants the best for you.
This doesn’t mean that problems and suffering
won’t come our way but when they do – God wants to help us through these
situations and to bring good things out of them for us.
And this is why we should thank and praise God
particularly when times are difficult and we are struggling with life.
As Paul says in his letter to the
Thessalonians; “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in
Christ Jesus.”
I know this is not an easy thing to do particularly
when things seem bleak – but as we start to realise that God is on our side and
working for our good we should start to thank him in faith for this.
Thank you Lord that you love me and that in
the midst of this difficult time I am going through, you are working out your
plan to help and deliver and bless me.
I recently read a very good little book called
From Prison to Praise by an American Army chaplain called Merlin Carothers.
And in this book he explains how he came to
see the importance of praising and thanking God in all situations.
And as he points out in the book we should do
this – not because we feel like it – but out of obedience – because it is what
God tells us to do.
And sometimes we may need to do it through
gritted teeth – but when we start to actively put our trust and faith in God – he
will respond.
When we resent and complain about our
situation it diminishes our faith – but as we start to trust God and to thank
him for what he is doing – even before we can see any results - our faith
He gives few examples in his book of the power
of prayer with thanksgiving, including recounting how his own hay fever was
He’d asked God to heal him from it for years
without success. But then he changed his tack – and when he started suffering
from it he decided to thank God instead.
Lord you know all about my hay fever – and I
choose to trust you with it. I thank you that you understand me and that you
love me and I thank you for the good plan you have for me including my hay
fever even if I have to suffer with it for a while.
Soon after he adopted this approach he was
So, to tie up what I want to say today – just
as he did for the Canaanite woman - God has good plans for us and those we love.
And if we have put our faith and trust in him
– whatever situation we may be facing – we can be confident that God is working
for our good in it – even if we don’t understand it.
Of course, like the Canaanite lady we need to
play our part in seeing these plans come to fruition – by praying out of love.
By looking to Jesus for our answer and by recognising that he is our Lord and
God. And by being determined and persistent in prayer.
Most importantly, even though it may not be
easy, we should put our trust in him and his love for us – and start thanking
him in faith for working for our good in the situations we are facing in our
I’d like to close in a moment with a brief time
of prayer and reflection where you can respond to God in your hearts to what
I’ve said this morning.
If there are situations that are troubling you
at the moment I believe that God wants you to realise that he loves you; that
he has a plan to help you and that he is working for your good and the good of
those you love.
And if you can accept this I’d urge you to
start thanking him in faith for what he’s doing.
So let’s pray and spend a few moments talking
quietly in our hearts to God .
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