Sunday, 2 June 2013

Notes and Questions for Study and Prayer on Acts Chapter 2 verses 37 – 47

Notes and Questions for Study and Prayer on Acts Chapter 2 verses 37 – 47

This passage comes immediately after Peter, emboldened by the Holy Spirit, has told the assembled crowds that they are responsible for the death of the one whom God had sent to save them from a disaster they were bringing upon themselves by refusing to obey God’s call and commandments. It is clear from this passage and from elsewhere that God expects people to repent on hearing the Gospel and to receive a gift that will enable them to bear his ‘good news’ to others and live the life of discipleship. But there are obstacles in the way of our doing so! Nevertheless, those who hear and obey are enabled to become the ‘Church’ wherever they are. The love that inspires this new family produces some changes in their lives that for many would go against the grain; not just those who enjoy their own possessions or who have worked hard for them but also those for whom society’s expectations of them are important. But when they put their faith into action great things happen and many are attracted to the church.

1. Why were the people ‘cut to the heart’ v37? Are people ‘cut to the heart’ today in 
the same way? What things today protect them from such a blow?

2. How do you understand ‘repentance’? Why do we need to ask for forgiveness on a daily basis?

3. What gets in the way of people receiving the ‘good news’ of Jesus? V40

4. How does God ‘call’ people? V39

5. Why is it not just about joining the family of the church but also about being ’saved’? What is the link here?

6. In what way might ‘church-going’ differ from membership of a local church? What might be the spiritual dangers in simply cultivating our own ‘spirituality’ or worshipping only with those of our own ‘churchmanship’, class, or interests?

7. The ‘four marks of the church’ are described here. What are they, why are they important, and are they all equally important?

8. Has this passage inspired you? In what way?

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