Monday 14 December 2015

Study Questions Luke 3 verses 7 to 13

In this passage we meet John the Baptist the prophet sent by God to prepare the hearts of the Jewish people to receive Jesus as their Messiah.

There hadn’t been a prophet in Israel for about 400 years – so John’s entry onto the scene caused quite a stir – and some people wondered whether he might be the Messiah (verse 15). But John made clear that he had only come to prepare the way for Jesus

John did this Luke tells us, “by preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” He urged the Jewish people to start living their lives under God’s direction and guidance – and to show their decision to do this was genuine by the change in their lives.

John’s message of repentance and believing in Jesus is still very relevant today – especially in this season of Advent.

  • 1.    Why does John call the crowds coming to him a “brood of vipers (verse 7)?” (John 8 verse 44 may be helpful).
  • 2.    Why does John say there is wrath to come? What is your understanding of how people will be judged? Matthew 25 verses 31 to 46 may be helpful.
  • 3.    John urged the people to repent in order to escape judgement. What does repentance mean?  Why should a person who has repented “bear good fruit?” How would you define good fruit?
  • 4.    Why did John baptise people with water and what did it signify?
  • 5.    What do you think John means by saying that Jesus will baptise people with the Holy Spirit?
  • 6.    John talks about judgement again in verse 17 (the bad news). Why is it so important for us as Christians to appreciate the reality of the judgement that is to come? What should our response be?
  • 7.    John “proclaimed the good news to the people” (verse 18). What is this good news? Do you have a friend or neighbour you can share it with?

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