Sunday, 10 January 2016

Acts 19 1-10 John 16 1-15

Both of today’s readings are about the third person of the Trinity – God the Holy Spirit.

And this morning I’d just like to say a few words about the Holy Spirit and then look briefly at these two passages and see how they’re relevant for us today.

Firstly, the Holy Spirit is a person – he’s not just an invisible force or power.

He shares the same nature as God the Father and Jesus, and he is referred to in scripture as the Spirit of God - or the Spirit of Jesus.

He speaks as for instance we see in Acts when he gives specific instructions to the apostles. And he has emotions and feelings and he can be grieved by our actions.

He was involved in Creation when we’re told he hovered over the face of the waters.

And he was the one who descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove and empowered him to do the miracles he did; and he continues to empower the church to spread the gospel and God’s kingdom today.

And Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans that he is the one who raised Jesus from the dead.

By God’s mighty power Jesus was raised back to life and burst forth from the tomb with an explosion of light and life and energy.

And the Holy Spirit is the one who raises us from spiritual death to eternal life.

Initially, as it says in verses 8 to 11 of our gosepl reading, he convicts us of our sin and our need to repent and be put right with God.

And then, as we do this, He comes to live within our inner beings and imparts eternal life to us – the life of God’s kingdom.

Indeed the biblical definition of a Christian is someone in whom God’s spirit dwells. Without the Holy Spirit living in us, we remain spiritually dead and blind and cut off from God’s life and kingdom.

In today’s gospel reading Jesus tells his disciples about the coming of the Holy Spirit.

John chapter 16 is the continuation of a long narrative that begins in John chapter 13 and takes place at the last supper.

Jesus tells the disciples that he is going but they are not to be dismayed because he will not leave them as orphans.

On the contrary – the Father will give them the Advocate or Helper as some translations put it - to be with them forever - the Spirit of truth who will guide them into all truth.

And we see this promise fulfilled a bit later in John chapter 20 - after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, when he appears to the disciples and breathes upon them and says, "receive the Holy Spirit.”

As Jesus breathes upon them the Holy Spirit comes to live within them and they become spiritually alive children of God.

Their spiritual eyes are opened and if any of them still had doubts about the identity of Jesus, they don’t any longer.

Indeed the revelation that we receive when the Holy Spirit comes to live in us is that Jesus is Lord, that he is God – and that we are to worship him.

The other place we see the Holy Spirit come is of course at Pentecost, where he comes in power upon the disciples to empower them to continue the work that Jesus started.

He empowers them to preach the good news about the Kingdom of heaven and to demonstrate the power of that Kingdom by healing the sick and casting out the powers of darkness from people’s lives.

And in today’s reading from Acts we see Paul laying his hands upon some disciples of John the Baptist who hadn’t yet experienced this empowering by the Holy Spirit.

And as Paul lays his hands upon them and prays for them, the Holy Spirit comes upon them and fills them with the life of God and imparts new spiritual gifts to them – and as a sign of this, they speak in tongues and prophesy.

Bible commentators have different views about the spiritual condition of these disciples of John before Paul came to them – and whether they were true believers - but I don’t think this is the most important thing.

What is important is that they are open to receive God’s empowering. They don’t resist it or turn away from it.

They don’t come up with theological reasons at to why they don’t need it. 

And they don’t shy away from it because of imagined fears.

And of course these passages are highly relevant for us today – because just like those first disciples,  we too desperately need the comfort and guidance and empowering of the Holy Spirit in order to live as Christians.

Just as an engine cannot function without petrol and a sailing boat cannot function without wind – so we cannot function as Christians unless we have God’s life giving spirit living within us.

We need to welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives in order to become Christians in the first place - and then we need the continuing empowerment and filling of the Holy Spirit in order to make Jesus known and to bear fruit – just as those first disciples did.

So how can we receive the Holy Spirit today? Well the answer is simply by asking God – but when we ask the desire in our heart must be genuine.

God is more than willing to come into our lives – He longs to come and live in us – but He comes where He is wanted where there is a true desire and thirst in people’s lives to know Him.

Jesus said “let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.”

I’m sure all of you here have been really thirsty and have really longed for a cool refreshing drink that will quench your thirst.

As well as being physically thirsty we can also be spiritually thirsty, and Jesus says that those who are spiritually thirsty should come to him and he’ll give them a drink to quench that thirst.

And the drink he will give us is the Holy Spirit. So as we drink in and receive The Holy Spirit – our spiritual thirst will be quenched.

And we will become spiritually alive as he enables us to know Jesus and to understand the bible, as he enables us to know God’s love and peace and joy in our hearts.

Without him in our lives, our faith will remain parched and dry. Jesus will remain just a historical character and the bible a confusing book.

Perhaps some of you here have been coming to church for a while. You’ve heard lots of talks about Jesus and you’ve read your bibles a bit but somehow it’s all just head knowledge.

You’ve built up a picture of Jesus but like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle - there’s still a bit missing.

Well the missing piece of the jigsaw is the Holy Spirit.

As you receive him into your life – your faith will become real and alive and you will come to know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

When you pray you will no longer just hope that God might be listening to you - you’ll know that He is listening to you. You’ll have the assurance that God is with you in your life.

The Holy Spirit is very quiet and gentle and unobtrusive and a lot of the time you won’t be conscious of his presence with you.

But he will always be with you to help you to live your life as a Christian – to guide and empower you, to help you to pray and to understand the bible, and to love others.

There may also be some of you here who have been Christians for a while, who have received the Holy Spirit into your lives in the past – but you also feel spiritually thirsty.

You may feel a bit like a battery that has lost its charge or a bit like a dry lawn that desperately needs some rain.

You would like Jesus to refresh and revive you – to pour out his spirit upon you and fill you afresh.

Of course God is love – so when you receive his Spirit – love will enter your heart. And this love is the love of Jesus which desires to reach out to and help other people.

So the question we need to ask ourselves this morning, is do we want to receive more of God’s presence in our lives?

Are you spiritually thirsty? Do you want to know Jesus? Do you want to be a Christian rather than just a church goer?

If you’re already a Christian do you want to be able to serve God more effectively? Do you want to be filled with and empowered by his Holy Spirit?

Do you want to your Christian life to be more vibrant and alive so that you can serve God more effectively?

I think one of the things we at Brenchley Church need most over this coming year if we are going to grow, is to be a church who are more filled with and open to the Holy Spirit.

But that can only happen if we will open our lives to receive more of God.

I’m going to close with a time of quiet where we will have the opportunity to ask God to send His Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives.

A time for you – if you want to - to ask Jesus to give you his Spirit to quench your spiritual thirst.

If you’d prefer, I’d be very happy to pray with you after the service - a simple prayer asking Jesus to fill you with his Spirit– or for any other need you may have.

So let’s close our eyes and focus on God.

Lord Jesus thankyou that you stand among us now.

Lord you see our hearts and you see those of us who are spiritually thirsty.

Lord Jesus we ask you now to send us your Holy Spirit to quench our spiritual thirst.

Lord come to all those of us here today who are thirsty and fill us with your your life giving Spirit. Fill us with life and your love and your power.


We ask this in your name Jesus. Amen

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